Friday 24 June 2016

About Nanotechnology


Hello viewers in this article I am going to explain about one of the leading emerging technology i.e, nanotechnology. so let us see about that.

         Truly revolutionary nanotechnology products,materials and applications,such as nanorobotics are years in the future.What qualifies as nanotechnology  today is basic R&D that is happening in laboratories all over the world. Where some form of  nano technology enabled materials such as carbon nanotubes, nanocomposite structures or nanotechnology process (e.g. nanopattering or quantum dots in medical) is used in manufacturing process .In their going quest to improve existing products by creating smaller components and better performance materials,all at a lower cost,the no.of companies manufacturing nanoproducts  will grow very fast and soon make up the majority of all companies across many industries.

              so what exactly is nanotechnology?One of the problems facing nanotechnology is the confusion about definition.Most definitions revolve around the study & control the phenomena & materials at length scales below 100 nm & quite often they make a comparison with a human hair, which is about 80,000 nm wide.

New nanomaterials: 
                          Nanomaterials can be constructed by 'top-down' techniques,producing very small structures from large pieces for eg. by etching circuits on the surface of a silicon microchip.They may be also constructed by 'bottom-up' techniques ,atom by atom or molecule by molecule.It has been 25 years since the scanning tunelling microscope(STM)  was invented,followed 4 years later by the atom force microscope & that is when nanotechnology & nanoscience really started to take off.

Current Applications of nanomaterials:
1.sunscreens & cosmetics:
              Nanosized titanium dioxide & zinc oxide are currently used in some sunscreens, as they absorb & reflect UV rays & yet are transparent to visible light and so are more appealing to the consumer. Nano-sized iron oxide is present in some lipsticks as a pigment.The use of nanoparticles in cosmetics has raised a no.of concerns about consumer safety.

                currently,carbon fibers & bundles of  multi-walled CNTs are used in polymers to control or enhance conductivity , with applications such as antistatic packaging.The use of individual CNTs in composites is a potential long-term application.A particular type of nanocomposite is where nanoparticals act as fillers in matrix,for example, carbon black used as a filler to reinforce car tyres. 

        clays containing naturally occurring nanoparticles have long been imp as construction materials & are undergoing continuous  improvement. Clay particle-based composites, containing plastics and nano-sized flakes of clay , are also finding applications such as use in car bumpers.

              Not only these but there are also some long term applications in next 5-15 years , some of them are:
  • Carbon nanotube composites
  • Magnetic materials
  • Medical implants
  • Machinable ceramics
  • Water purification
  • Military battle suits
  • Fibers & fabrics
  • CNT ceramics 
  • Biomedical applications 
  • Air,water & gas filtration
                             So,finally this technology is developing new instruments to be able to see at the nanoscale is a research field in itself. 



                     Hi friends to day i am going to describe about the latest trending technology in the world. Hence there are many latest technologies at present days, but i attracted towards the latest and emerging technology in the world i.e., "BRAIN CONTROLLED CAR FOR THE DISABLED PERSONS."
          This paper considers the development of a brain driven brain controlled car for disabled, which would be of great help to the physically disabled people. Since these cars will rely only on what the individual is thinking they will hence not require any physical movement on the part of the individual. The car integrates signals from a variety of sensors like video, weather monitor, anti-collision etc. it also has an automatic navigation system in case of emergency. The car works on the asynchronous mechanism of artificial intelligence. Its a great advance of technology which will make the disabled. In the 40s and 50s, a number of researchers explored the connection between neurology, information theory, and cybernetics. Some of them built machines that used electronic networks to exhibit rudimentary intelligence, such as W. Grey Walter’s turtles and the Johns Hopkins Beast. Many of these researchers gathered for meetings of the Teleological Society at Princeton and the Ratio Club in England. 
Most researchers hope that their work will eventually be incorporated into a machine with general intelligence (known as strong AI), combining all the skills above and exceeding human abilities at most or all of them. A few believe that anthropomorphic features like artificial consciousness or an artificial brain may be required for such a project.
A brain-computer interface (BCI), sometimes called a direct neural interface or a brain-machine interface, is a direct communication pathway between a human or animal brain (or brain cell culture) and an external device. In one-way BCIs, computers either accept commands from the brain or send signals to it (for example, to restore vision) but not both. Two-way BCIs would allow brains and external devices to exchange information in both directions but have yet to be successfully implanted in animals or humans.
             In this definition, the word brain means the brain or nervous system of an organic life form rather than the mind. Computer means any processing or computational device, from simple circuits to silicon chips (including hypothetical future technologies such as quantum computing).
                Once the driver (disabled) nears the car. The security system of the car is activated. Images as well as thermo graphic results of the driver are previously fed into the database of the computer. If the video images match with the database entries   then   the security system advances to the next stage. Here the thermo graphic image verification is done with the database. Once the driver passes this stage the door slides to the sides and a  ramp  is  lowered  from  its  floor.  The ramp  has  flip actuators in  its  lower  end. Once the driver enters the ramp, the flip actuates the ramp to be lifted horizontally. Then robotic arms assist the driver to his seat.   As soon as the driver is seated the EEG (electroencephalogram) helmet, attached to the top of the seat, is lowered and suitably placed on the drivers head. A wide screen of the computer is placed at an angle aesthetically suitable to the driver.  Each program can be controlled either directly by a mouse or by a shortcut. For starting the car, the start button is clicked.  Accordingly the computer switches   ON   the   circuit   from   the   battery   to   the A.C.Series Induction motors.
                                 The biocontrol system integrates signals from various other systems and compares them with originals in the database. It comprises of the following systems: 
  •  Brain-computer interface
  •  Automatic security system
  •  Automatic navigation system
 Now let us discuss each system in detail.
                         Brain-computer interfaces will increase acceptance by offering customized, intelligent help and training, especially for the non-expert user. Development of such a flexible interface paradigm raises several challenges in the   areas   of   machine   perception and automatic explanation. The teams doing research in this field have developed a single-position, brain-controlled switch that responds to specific patterns detected in spatiotemporal electroencephalograms   (EEG)   measured from the human scalp. We refer to this initial design as the Low- Frequency.   
Asynchronous   Switch   Design   (LF-ASD)
Fg(Fig.1)..1 LF-ASD
                              The EEG is then filtered and run through a fast Fourier transform before being displayed as a three dimensional graphic.        The data can then  be  piped  into  MIDI compatible  music  programs. Furthermore, MIDI can be adjusted to control other external processes, such as robotics. The experimental control system is configured for the particular task being used in the evaluation. Real Time Workshop generates all the control programs from Simulink models and C/C++ using MS Visual C++ 6.0. Analysis of   data is mostly done within Mat lab environment. FEATURES OF EEG BAND.
·           Remote analysis data can be sent and analyzed in real-time over a network or modem connection.
·           Data can be fully exported in raw data, FFT & average formats.
·          Ultra low noise balanced DC coupling amplifier.
·         Max input 100microV p-p, minimum digital resolution is100 microV p-p / 256 = 0.390625 micro V p-p. FFT point can select from 128 (0.9375 Hz), 256 (0.46875 Hz), 512(0.234375 Hz resolution).
·         Support for additional serial ports via plug-in boar; allows extensive serial input & output control.
·           Infinite real-time data acquisition (dependent upon hard drive size).                                                                                                          
·         Real-time 3-D & 2-D FFT with peak indicator, Raw Data, and Horizontal Bar displays with Quick Draw mode.
·         Full 24 bit color support; data can be analyzed with any standard or user.
·         Customized color palettes; color cycling available in 8 bit mode with QuickDrawmode.
·         Interactive real-time FFT filtering with Quick Draw mode. Real-time 3-D FFT (left, right, coherence and relative coherence),  raw  wave, sphere frequency and six brain wave switch in one OpenGL display.
·         Full Brainwave driven Quick Time Movie, Quick Time MIDI control; user configurableFull Brain wave driven sound control, support for 16 bit sound; user configurable Full image capture and  playback control; user configurable.
Conclusion :
             The main aim of this brain controlled car is to remove the difference between the able and disabled persons.

Some long term applications of nanotechnology

                            LONG TERM APPLICATIONS 

        At present their are many long term applications in nanotechnology. Here i am going to give information about some applications.

                                           current medical implants, such as orthopedic implants and heart valves, are made of titanium & stainless steel alloys, primarily because they are biocompatible. Unfortunately, in some cases these metal alloys may wear out within the life time of the patient. Nanocrystalline zirconium oxide is hard, wear-resistant, bio-corrosion resistant & biocompatible. It therefore presents an attractive alternative material for implants.

                                             Nano-engineered membranes could potentially lead to more energy-efficient water purification process, notably in desalination by reverse osmosis.

                                                             Many researchers and corporations have already developed CNT-based air &water filtration devices. It has been reported that these filters can not only block the smallest particles but also kill most bacteria. This is another area where CNTs have already been commercialized & products are on the market now. Someday CNTs may be used to filter other liquids such as fuels & lubricants as well. A lot of research is being done in the development of CNT-based air & gas filtration. Filtration has already been shown to be another area where it is cost effective to use CNT.

                                        Fibers spun of pure CNTs have recently been demonstrated & are undergoing rapid development, along with CNT composite fibers. Such super-strong fibers will have many applications including body & vehicle armour, transmission line cables, woven fabrics & textiles.

                                                          CNTs have exponential mechanical properties, particularly high tensile strength & light weight. an obvious area of application would be in nanotube- reinforced composites, with performance beyond current carbon-fiber composites.

About Cloud Computing

                       CLOUD COMPUTING

     I hope this article is very useful to all the viewers. 
              so,let us see about this
what is cloud computing?
                         cloud computing is a type of computing environment where business owners outsource their computing needs including application software services to a third party, &when they need to use the computing power or employees need to use application resource such as database or emails, they access them via internet. 
                      For instance,imagine that you have a small business, where you need a small servers for database, emails, applications, etc.Servers, unlike PC's or laptops, need high computing power&are very expensive.Moreover , to maintain a client-server environment you need to have a highly skilled network maintenance team.If  you decide to avoid the need of purchasing servers &thus eliminate the need for an operation and maintenance team, then the clod computing is a very cost-effective solution becoz it does not require having to install or maintain servers.
          By simply paying a fixed monthly charge, you can outsource your IT infrastructure to a third party-managed service data     center.In short, in a cloud computing architecture, all the applications are not sorted in a company's hard disk;rather, it resides in a third party computer; when a company needs to use an application software, they access it via the internet. 
                         A very simple example is Yahoo mail and Gmail, both of which use cloud cloud computing.When you send or receive email, you do not need an application software to be installed in your computer , you just need an internet connection to send your emails.  

                          The main advantage of using cloud computing facility is that customers do not have to pay for infrastructure installation & maintenance cost. As a user of clod computing, you have pay the service charges according to your usage  of computing power & other networking resources. Moreover, you don't have to worry about software updates, installation, email servers, anti-viruses, backups, web servers & both physical and logical security of your data. 

             Thus, cloud computing can help you to focus better on your core business competencies.